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Rural Water District #13 awarded $800,000 grant

Rural Water District #13 awarded $800,000 grant

McIntosh County Rural Water District #13 has been awarded the Drinking Water State
Revolving Fund (DWSRF) “Loan Forgiveness” loan in the amount of $800,000.  Water District #13 serves approximately 1,465 residents, with approximately 610 connections, which includes parts of Hughes, Okfuskee, Okmulgee and McIntosh Counties. The office is located north of Ryal School.  Making the presentation on May 16th was
Kretchen Olmeda, Loan Analyst from Oklahoma Water Resources Board. She presented the check to Brock Barber, vice chairman.  The funds will be used to upgrade the district’s system by installing a booster pump, replacing all water meters
with new Electronic Meters and repainting the clear well and four water storage tanks.

Henryetta Free Lance 5-22-24

McIntosh County Rural Water District 13 Launches a New Website! Keeping Our Customers Informed!

Working harder to better serve and communicate with our community we have launched a new website for our water customers. Check it out and let us know what you think. Subscribe today!